Blendy's Blog
Friday, January 13, 2012
Television and the Lessons It Teaches
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Jesus You Can't Ignore
The Jesus You Can’t Ignore by John MacArthur addresses people’s perception of Jesus Christ. MacArthur makes a valid point that someone’s view of God affects his or her outlook on everything. Unfortunately this point is made over and over, before the book even begins. The book has such a lengthy prologue and introduction that it felt like I had read a couple of chapters before I even got to the first one. Frankly, I got bored of rereading the same basic points reworded every four paragraphs. When I started into the first chapter, I had hopes that this would get better, and it did to an extent. However, I still could not get into the book and gave up. I have tried off and on to restart it for the past six months to no avail. While I think this book could be very good and probably is, I do not have the patience to get into it. From what I did read, it is a very well thought-out book, although a bit wordy. It is great for anyone who needs to reread passages to understand them because MacArthur took the work out of that and says the same basic thing repeatedly.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Oh to write a scholarhsip essay
Later Days,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The light at the end of the tunnel
This next Thursday is the last day of my enslavement to a class that is both daunting and obnoxious in one fell swoop. Friday, is the day of my freedom...and for work...but the morning is the beginning of the sweet bliss that is Christmas Vacation. May Friday come swiftly for me.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
You've Got Mail
I know what you're thinking, why does she have a blog if she never writes on it. Well, ladies and gents, I have one because I want to be the person who writes blogs. I want to write in general and a blog is a fabulous place to do that. I just don't have reliable computes/ Internet at my house. Therefore, I must use my sisters Internet, and frankly, I forget to write stuff on my blog because the tools are not at hand when inspiration strikes. Those of you who know me also know that I am not particularly neat and would lose any scraps of paper that I would write my unparalleled insights upon. Tonight I am staying at my sisters, which is why I am actually writing a post.
However, the fact that I just looked at the clock and see that it is past midnight, I should sign off and go to bed. Big day at Church tomorrow. Double rehearsal for the Singing Christmas Tree (our Christmas pageant, complete with full choir).
Later Days,
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Epic Wonderment of Audra and Blendy Gracing Grace with their Energetic Presence
Thursday, July 29, 2010
the unplanned day
Today we had zero plans. Today we did whatever we felt like. Today we drove through a really sketchy downtown.We started our day by heading to Lake Erie. We found this local lighthouse and went to check it out. It was probably the funniest thing ever. It was like someone looked at it and said, "Hey, let's try to make money by charging people a ridiculous fee." It cost $7 to tour the lighthouse, but you couldn't wear flip flops or sandals. This was something they forgot to mention on the website. You could walk around the grounds for free, but Becks and I felt weird cause there were workers watching us. On the upside, leaving the lighthouse right away led us to an adorable little park with a path down the the shore. It was not a tourist attraction, but it was very nice for a local place to hang out, as many locals did.
We then started our drive back to our town. We had a gorgeous drive along the lake and we stopped for lunch at a cute little town that had a coffee shop/cafe. After filling out bellies, we continued on our way.
Tonight we will plan our tomorrow which includes leaving PA and heading back to Ohio.
Mams, here's my shout out to you. Love ya!
later days,